Friday, December 27, 2019

Privacy And Health Information Privacy Essay - 1627 Words

Health Information Privacy With the increase of use of electronics sharing of health information and improved communication within healthcare team, privacy in healthcare has become an important aspect of nursing. Privacy in healthcare addresses the question of who has access to personal information and under what conditions. In healthcare, privacy is concerned with the collection, storage, and use of personal information. It is every practicing nurse’s responsibility to keep up to date on current health information practices and policies. In order for a nurse to implement health information privacy guidelines it is important for a nurse to understand the importance of health information privacy, legal requirements, privacy laws, current privacy measure in the workplace and nursing practice. Importance of Health Information Privacy The importance of healthcare information privacy. Some theorist claim that privacy as a basic human right and is an essential for the wellbeing of humans (Nass.,2009). Breaches in privacy not only affect a person’s dignity, but it can cause harm in various ways. Intentional breaches can consist of theft or an abuse or manipulation of the technologies that are so often used to catalogue and protect personal information (Nass.,2009). Intentional breaches are often vicious in nature and consist of a deliberate desire to access, collect, and use or disclose an individual’s personal information with a view of causing a disturbance or perpetrating aShow MoreRelatedPrivacy And Health Information Privacy Essay1527 Words   |  7 PagesInformation Privacy With the increase of use of electronics sharing of health information and improved communication within healthcare team, privacy in healthcare has become an important aspect of nursing. 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