Thursday, December 19, 2019

Behavioral Health Prevention of Diabetes - 3251 Words

Prevention of Dibetes This paper will address the behavioral health prevention of diabetes. Diabetes will be defined. Type of diabetes and the risk factors will be discussed. The cause of diabetes and what to do to decrease the chance of getting diabetes. The target group and promoting adjustment to diabetes will be discussed. Diabetes can be prevention and if a person develops it can be manage if a person takes care of themselves. Diabetes is the seventh leading killer in the United Stated. According to Straub diabetes mellitus is the body’s inability to produce or use insulin properly, hormone that converts starches and sugar from food to energy. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults. The cause of diabetes is not†¦show more content†¦Health psychology’s can help individual to adjusting to psychological distress, personal coping skills and social support this factors that affect treatment regimens. â€Å"Youth with diabetes and their parents jointly complete diabetes management and family interaction related to diabetes can affect youths’ diabetes self-care and glycemic outcomes† ( Hilliard, Holems, Chen, Maher, Robinson and Streisand, 2013). Parents can persistent in their monitoring to ensure that their teen take care of self and manage their diabetes. Targeted group Children of parents with Type one diabetes. Women are affect more than men and people that are overweight. Gestational diabetes is a risk for women who had it during pregency or that had a nine pound baby or bigger. People that do not exercise regularly and people that have a low HDL cholesterol or high triglycerides. People of low socioeconomic status. African-Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asians, and Pacific Islanders. Children should eat a healthy plate for breakfast, lunch, dinner and healthy snacks daily. Each meal dairy 8 oz. fat-free or low fat milk, cheese and yogurt and fruits  ½ cups. For example apples, carrots and eat whole or fruit that have been cut up more than juice. Try not to use canned and frozen fruits that are packed in syrup. Grain should be included in diet 1/2 cup of whole grain. Included whole grain thatShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Diabetes And Prevalence Of Diabetes1376 Words   |  6 PagesPrediabetes Prediabetes is described as having a fasting blood glucose level higher than normal, but not elevated to the level of the classification of diabetes (CDC, 2014; CDC 2015) Normal blood glucose level is considered to be less than 100 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter), and diabetes is diagnosed when the blood glucose level rises above 126 mg/dL. 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